Friday 11 October 2013

Home tomorrow...

This post is dedicated to a fellow MS fighter - Gabriella Everts.

Life this week has been one of rest and recuperation.

Paul arrived on Friday 4th October and after 6 weeks apart it was such an amazing feeling to have him here.

Mum left Bangalore on Sat 5th Oct. I'm very proud of her. She travelled from the hotel to the airport and caught the plane all the way home. If you know my Mum you'll know exactly what I mean.

She's been amazing over the 6 weeks and I'll never be able to thank her enough. We had a laugh but I think by the end of our 3 weeks in isolation we were both desperate to get out. It sends you a little stir crazy!

We spent her birthday in style. Watching another crappy film on the new 'Romedy' channel.

We did it Mum!

Paul's been quite the therapist! Helping me shower (standing up!), massaging my legs and ankles. We have lots of plans for when we get home to use this treatment as a springboard to try and get back what I can.

We've spent the week just relaxing really. Been back to the hospital a few times for blood tests and to have my Hickman Line removed.

We went for a steak, which was actually really tasty. Visited a Bangalore shopping centre with some of our relaxation at the beautiful Leela Palace hotel (in the bar Mum...).

We had an amazing burger there today. Veeery tasty.

I've returned well to levels that Dr Amit would expect. I'm unbelieveably tired and could sleep a fair chunk of the day.

Improvements, if any, will take a while to materialise. 18 months to 2 years is not unusual, but for me if I have managed to just stop the disease that's enough for me.

The end of our trip comes at a time of profound sadness for us.

Gabriella was a fellow MS sufferer coming to India in the hope of blasting this totally crappy disease.

She was beautiful, strong and determined to see this through in the hope of a better future for her and her family. She walked a whole lot better than me!

A few days after getting her stem cells back she developed breathing problems and was consequently diagnosed with Septicaemia. She spent some time in ICU but sadly passed away last night.

We've spent some time with Rudi, her husband, and it's been so lovely hearing about how they met and what a wonderful life they had. Rudi has truly lost his soulmate.

Gabriella, sleep peacefully my friend. I know you're up there looking over Rudi and your family. It was a priviledge to meet you both.

You walked the walk and my last memory of you beaming with your thumbs up at my cell door will stay with me forever xxxx

Gabriella and Claire - Sept 2013

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